Q: What does luxury mean to you in the context of your work, and specifically in the OF.LINE collection?

A: Today, the greatest luxury is having time. This certainly applies to the development of new designs as well. Together with Decor Walther, we took the time to create a new and unique collection that stands out due to its quality, materiality, and design language.

Q: Your studio and Decor Walther are located on the same street in Offenbach. Has this proximity influenced the design process?

A: Yes, we are located on Ludwigstraße, about a kilometer apart. This was certainly a great advantage during the pandemic when the work process was very much online. Here, we also had the opportunity to work offline. Design thrives on communication and physical exchange – such as reviewing materials, examining models, etc.

Q: You have chosen Offenbach as your place of residence and work. What are the reasons for this, and why not Berlin?

A: I graduated from Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach (HfG) in 2007 and immediately started my studio. Besides social reasons, I appreciate the short distances and the diversity in a small area. Surely, Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region, as well as the nearby airport, also played a role.

Q: Do you have a favorite place in Offenbach? What makes it special to you?

A: Offenbach is known as a city of diversity and cultures. This is particularly reflected in Wilhelmsplatz, the heart of Offenbach, where restaurants line the weekly market and both residents and visitors gather.

Q: How has Offenbach shaped your creative development? Can you tell us about specific places, people, or experiences that have influenced your creativity and design?

A: The Hochschule für Gestaltung has certainly contributed to a creative upswing in Offenbach, and I appreciate the museums and their exhibitions in Frankfurt. Frankfurt, with its fairs, has provided me with a good platform as a designer to connect with manufacturers since the beginning of my career. The surrounding area offers enough relaxation to clear my mind.

Q: What elements of the OF.LINE collection are characteristic of your work?

A: I always find it exciting to combine traditional craftsmanship with innovation. In OF.LINE, ceramics meet extruded and CNC-milled aluminium elements. Shiny surfaces encounter metallic precision.

Q: Sustainability is a major topic of our time. How does sustainability play a role in the OF.LINE collection?

A: Besides quality, longevity and timelessness are key factors in sustainable design. Our shared idea was to create a collection that doesn‘t follow trends but rather makes a statement. I design products that become companions over time.

Q: Are there any rituals, music, or specific external influences that positively affect your creativity?

A: I am a collector. A collector of colors, materials, manufacturing techniques, details, and surfaces. I love visiting workshops and their artisans. These insights provide me with inspiration and the opportunity to reinterpret and challenge traditional ways of thinking and craftsmanship.

Q: Is there a specific material you have always wanted to work with but haven‘t had the opportunity to yet?

A: Indeed, I found the topic of aluminium very intriguing. Anodizing the surface gives this very technical material a certain elegance. Combining it with handcrafted ceramics was a challenge and is what makes the collection so appealing.